[Audio Book] Lost in the Never Woods by Aiden Thomas

It has been five years since Wendy and her two brothers went missing in the woods, but when the town’s children start to disappear, the questions surrounding her brothers’ mysterious circumstances are brought back into the light. Attempting to flee her past, Wendy almost runs over an unconscious boy lying in the middle of the road….

Peter, a boy she thought lived only in her stories, asks for Wendy’s help to rescue the missing kids. But, in order to find them, Wendy must confront what’s waiting for her in the woods.

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A Peter Pan Retelling

Before ever reading a book by Aiden Thomas, he was highly recommended to me. I then read Cemetery Boys and loved this new twist on an ancient tradition, although I also saw some flaws and places for improvement. This second book by the author (at least for me) lured me in by being another retelling, which clearly connects to the tale we all got to know. It nonetheless also twists the story in a way that really drew me in, eventually approaching the original meaning of the story.


Wendy searches for her Brothers

In this retelling, we experience the acquaintance with Peter through Wendy’s eyes. She just turned 18 and has a pretty ordinary life, a cool best friend, and a (though indistinct) future ahead. There is, nonetheless, a part of her past that still haunts her. She and her brothers went missing, but while she reappeared after half a year, they never did. Aiden Thomas thus embeds the legend of Peter Pan and Neverland and all its known associations cleverly into our world. He also adds some romantic tension between the two main characters, which was quite to my enjoyment. I would have wished for Wendy’s relation to her best friend Jordan to be a little bit more explored, but I admit that the focus was somewhere else. There could also have been more on the parent-daughter-relationship, which was also overshadowed by the mystery and adventure part of the book.


The story’s metaphorical level

For those unfamiliar with what Peter Pan originally embodied, this book might in fact be slightly confusing by its end. I nevertheless don’t want to spoil it for anyone. Therefore, I simply want to express that I loved this darker twist on what most people connect with Peter Pan. In the same way, Aiden Thomas allows the plot and Wendy’s storyline to represent trauma and its effect on memory. The book further speaks of friendship and courage and is an enjoyable coming-of-age story of sorts.


In conclusion…

Once more, Aiden Thomas took a known narrative and gave it a contemporary appearance and new twist. I loved how he allowed fans of the more recent adaptations of Peter Pan to connect to the story. He also offered a more emotional and darker turn on this sad but nonetheless hopeful story.



The author:

Aiden Thomas is a trans, Latinx, New York Times Bestselling Author with an MFA in Creative Writing from Mills College. Originally from Oakland, California, they now make their home in Portland, OR. Aiden is notorious for not being able to guess the endings of books and movies, and organizes their bookshelves by color. Source

The voice artist:

More about Avi Roque

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